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VICE and VIVO Documentary Released

​​It's with an enormous pleasure that we announce the release of the great documentary, Game Changers, which was not only composed and mixed by Antonio Teoli but also has a really deep interview with him.

With the word, Antonio Teoli:

"Game Changers represents a mark in the Brazilian Game Industry as a whole! Bringing out our community of developers, students, e-athletes and YouTubers, this documentary prevails right now as our best register ever.

I invite everyone to check this four insanely fun episodes very well crafted by the team of VICE and Ginga which I had the enormous pleasure to compose and also be interviewed (something that ended up being a very unique situation in my entire career: compose for scenes that I'm being interviewed. How great is that?).

Thank you everyone for the incredible support!!!"

Make sure to check the beautiful and astonishing website where you can learn more about the documentary, watch the videos and listen to Antonio's music - which was featured in a whole unique area on the website. All of this by clicking in the picture below:

If you want to go directly to the videos. You can watch them below:

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